Estimated reading time: 10 minute(s)
Members of the press, members of Congress, members of the activist community; I greet you all with the greeting words of peace. We say it in the Arabic language: As-Salaam Alaikum.
I want to first thank the members of the press for honoring us with your presence, and all of you who have come to hear what we have to say.
For 40 years I have labored in this vineyard in the absence of my teacher, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. His work among us for 40 years is unparalleled in the work of reform of the Black man and woman, bringing us from the savage state of existence that we were placed in by our former slave masters and their children. He was greatly opposed, but he was successful in making a new people out of us. He proved the efficacy of his wisdom. He proved that the wisdom that he was taught by his Teacher is sufficient to make of the Black man and woman not only here, but in the Caribbean, in Africa and the Isles of the Pacific, a brand new restored people, after 6,000 years of living under the tyranny of White supremacy.
This is not a hate-filled message from some radical mad man, this is a message of divine love. But in that divine love of The Divine Creator there is warning, and there is guidance. God never sends prophets except that there is something awry, something wrong; and the prophet doesn’t come out of hatred from God for the wrong of the people, he comes out of the mercy of God to call an errant people back to a path that would grant them divine favor, and escape the chastisement of God.
America is a great nation, but America needs to reflect on her sins. Who is bold enough, who is strong enough to say to America: “You have been wrong for a long, long time”? And it is time, now, for you to actually see yourself as God sees you, not like the silly woman that looked in the mirror and said, “Mirror, mirror on the wall. Am I not the fairest of them all?” No, you are not!
I am here from my teacher—not out of hate, but out of hope that maybe what I say to this 45th president of the United States of America might have an effect to get him off of the course that he is on.
In September of 1977, I decided to rebuild the work of Elijah Muhammad, and reprove to you who had rejected him, and to a government that persecuted him, that he had the best solution for the ever-growing toxic relationship between Black and White.
So this message is not from Louis Farrakhan, this message is from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad through Louis Farrakhan. And it is a final warning to the government and people of the United States of America. It is a final call to Black people, that you must change the way you think and the way you act—because the time has arrived for you to do better and be better, or suffer the chastisement of God until you submit your will.
It’s written in the Bible—and I say this to our president: It is written that “every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess” that Jesus The Christ is Lord. I represent that Jesus, that Christ, that you have been longing for and looking for.
Mr. Trump is an anomaly: He is someone that doesn’t fit “the norm.” You expected a man to be like the other presidents; you wanted him to be more “presidential.” He is so transparent. You wanted him to put on a suit and act dignified, like the thieves and robbers that dress in suits and tell lies; you wanted him to be like that. He’s telling lies, all right—and you’re angry because he is your reflection. He is an anomaly. You can’t make him what you desire him to be so that you can say, “Oh, that’s my president.” He wasn’t made that way. God has him here.
Do you think that God is not interested in who is president of the United States of America, especially when it’s out of the time of evil—it’s in our time now?