Estimated reading time: 8 minute(s)
by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
God has kept feeding us great ones and the enemy worked to destroy all our ancestors, but, they could not destroy The Idea of what “Liberation” really is. And so, though many have compromised to get along—and we understand it, because everyone is not made to take the pressure to be a real true liberator of the people: To be a real liberator of that which needs liberation, you have to love them more than you love life itself. Because the only thing that will deliver a people from the bondage of mental and physical slavery is the presence of truth, and men and women prepared to teach that truth even at the cost of their lives.
I thank Allah to be present in this august body of Black intellectual strength. I thank Allah that I was blessed this morning to hear the words of Dr. Maulana Karenga. To my esteemed brother, Dr. Ron Daniels, and all of the wonderful, wonderful people that worked with him to produce this fourth conference of the Institute of the Black World, and the best yet: He said (to put on this conference) was “over his head.” But you were the one to do the job. And evidently The Creator was very pleased with the idea, so He arranged circumstances … because I know there were some “winds” that blew us all up in here together today. So The Creator helped us all to see the importance of being present in this great city of Newark, New Jersey, at this time for a cause bigger than all of us who are gathered here today.
Allah took that which was within, that had been giving us problems intermittently for trillions of years, and gave it form and expression in the making of the White race; that which was within was brought without, and for 6,000 years a world has come up. I don’t want to upset you, but White people are a part of that which came out of us. There would be no Brown, no Red, no Yellow, if there were no Black; so if all humanity comes from us, then we have a responsibility, as Dr. Karenga said, to all those that came from us. “While we slept they wrecked the world; now, in our awakening, we have to make a new world!”—I’m just borrowing from my brother. It’s not about just “us,” it’s about all that came from us that are messed up. Study these words from the Holy Qur’an (Surah 2:30): “And when thy Lord said to the angels, I am going to place a ruler in the earth, they said: Wilt Thou place in it such as make mischief in it and shed blood?” Now, these are the angels talking to The Creator, The God: They knew that whatever He was going to place in the Earth would be so different in the way they ruled (“I’m going to place a ruler in the earth that is going to create mischief and cause the shedding of blood”). So when the angels put that to The God, they said, “And we celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy holiness,” in words, “but we don’t like what You are about to do.” But The God answered them and said: “Surely I know what you know not.”