By The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, who came to us in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, the Great Mahdi, the Self-Guided One. We thank him for His Coming. We thank him for His Wise Choice in the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the first one among these, the Original People of our planet, the Lost Sheep of God; and He would be the first one among us who God would make into Himself.
Whether you know it or not or believe it or not, God has not chosen us for some foolish task. You might ask yourself, why choose us? I’m not so good. He already understood that. Why God have you chosen us? Because we came through the furnace of affliction.
We were already strong but the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, when it was over and they said we had arrived, like we had booked passage on some ship to come to America. But when we finally arrived, we were the strongest of the strong.
They took 64 years to break us from an African people of high civilization and intelligence. In 64 years they had made us completely savage, blind, deaf and dumb, living the life of the beasts of the field. Then they said, “We arrived.” They could say to their fellow demons, “now we have them where we want them.” Some scholars of the White race and some in politics said, “We have closed every avenue by which light can enter the mind of the slave.”
They were intending to make us permanent slaves. So, we have been slaves 464 years that ended in 1955. We used to go down to the shore in Virginia to look for that ship, Jesus. The ship that we first came over on was a ship named Jesus; but the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “Little did we know it would be four centuries before the ‘Real Ship of Jesus,’ came for us and that Real Ship of Jesus is God in Person known in the scripture as the Son of Man.”
Today, I want to introduce you to Jesus because you have never seen Jesus. If you saw Jesus, you would observe something that you have never seen the likes of before in a world as wicked as this one. You would have to observe Jesus. You’ll have to concentrate on Jesus. Then you would have to submit and surrender so that he could make you his Disciple. Meaning, he’s going to discipline us into something we have never experienced after 400 years living under the tyranny of White Supremacy and the filth and wickedness of those who had us in slavery.
Many of the slave masters had the freedom to take our women and abuse them; but they not only abused women, they abused men. Most of the slave masters were freaks. They loved the flesh of our women and they loved to do freakish things to us. That is why a Saviour had to come. And the Saviour I’m talking about is “Jesus.” The Saviour in the writings in the scriptures says, “He came,” listen to his words, “to save us from our sins.” The Honorable Elijah Muhammad added something to that: “He came to save us from the sins of White people that we have been under them for over 400 years and they have made us into themselves.”
Jesus Christ is a new man. The old man, follow me in the scripture, you scriptural scientists, the old man is called “Adam.” The new man is “Jesus Christ.” The old man was made from the dust of the earth; but the new man is made of a quickening spirit, two Adams. I didn’t know, I didn’t know, I didn’t know that I was being made into something I have never dreamed that I could be. There’s nobody in America like Farrakhan. Nobody stronger. Nobody more fearless. Nobody more courageous. Nobody who will not bow down to Satan or White people in power.
Brothers and sisters, you haven’t met anybody like me. Elijah Muhammad made me an honorable man. All my friends that are here who have watched me grow, they have never found me lying. You have never found me cheating. You have never found me robbing. You have never found me exalting myself above any of you. If I give you my word, I live up to my word. Whatever I promise you, I’m found giving you what I promised. I don’t run after women. I have some of the finest women in the world in the classroom of the Nation of Islam. Come and ask them: what kind of man is he? I have what God allowed me to have, but I have never gone to no woman and asked her to be anything to me but one of my students or one of my sisters. Search around.
I met a man. I met the greatest man that my eyes could behold. I offered him my life and my word is my bond. …
When you read your Bible and you read about Peter and Paul and James and Thomas and you’re reading about people who gave their lives to Jesus. You can’t follow him half-hearted. You can’t walk with Jesus with one hand in his hand, one foot where he’s stepping but the rest of you is in the world.
When I wrote my Saviours’ Letter to register in the Nation of Islam, I wrote a letter of divorce from the White man’s world. How do you do that? All of you sitting in here in front of me, you’re my family. You may not even recognize me as your family; and if you saw Jesus you wouldn’t recognize him as your brother. The Jesus that I read of in the scripture, I was in love with that man. Even though they painted him as a White man, I still loved him because I had never met a man in history who did the wonderful things that Jesus did. I just wanted to know him more, know him better and I wanted to follow him.
Our young men in prison are being raped every day. You send a young boy off to prison and some older person in the prison tells him you going to be my “B.” You go to try to resist and they break you down or they beat you up and gang rape you. The next thing you know you can’t walk. You’re trying to walk but so many men been in your anus. You have been through hell. We need a Saviour. Don’t tell me that Jesus Saves and you’re in the condition that you’re in and nobody has brought you up out of it.
We need a Saviour brothers and sisters. You are nursing cocaine, weaponized reefer. You call me homophobic. I have family members that are gay. I have family members that are drug addicts. Jesus didn’t come to judge them, not the Jesus I know. He loved them so deeply he don’t care anything about what they were. He came to make you into himself. The worst deception that the White man made was to deceive us of our Jesus. I loved Jesus all my life. “Well I thought you were a Muslim.” It’s not a Muslim in here that doesn’t love Jesus.
But the Jesus that you think you know; the picture that you have on your wall or in the church is a figment of the imagination of Michelangelo. Why do you think they gave you a White Jesus? We don’t have a problem with Jesus if he’s White, if he’s Jesus. But if he’s a cracker posing as a righteous teacher … look, they made us worship through Jesus the image of White people as divine.
I’m in love with Jesus. In fact, that was the most dynamic teaching I ever did as a young follower of Elijah Muhammad—it was teaching the history and the knowledge of Jesus. And even while I was teaching it I did not know I would one day run into the Jesus that I was teaching about.
You have been victimized by Christianity as it has been taught to you. There are some good preachers. Reverend Willie Wilson, Father Pfleger, my dear and beloved brother Pastor T. L. Barrett. We walk together as family. But you have to now become acquainted with Jesus on the deepest, possible level. In order to do that we have to move away all falsehood that has been added to his holy and righteous name.
When you go to church, you want salvation. The sign says Jesus Saves. He does. But if you don’t know him, he can’t save you if you don’t know him. But you love him so to hear you sing, to hear you shout and even some of the great preachers to hear them preach you would really think they know Jesus. And they walk right down off the pulpit and get engaged in sin and debauchery and filth.
Here’s what the wicked scientists of religion have done. Twenty-five percent of what you read of Jesus in the Bible is actual history. Seventy-five percent of what you read is prophecy. So what the enemy did, he took prophecy and made it history and took history and made it prophecy so that you would be walking with Jesus and wouldn’t know him.
Now I have to get to Satan because he’s the man that God has made me to condemn and destroy. Satan is no lightweight. Satan has beaten all the prophets of God. The prophet does his work, sometimes Satan will arrest him, sometimes he kills them, sometimes he whips them in prison.
After the prophet did his work and left, Satan came right in the path of the prophet and corrupted his teachings. The two greatest prophetic voices that are universal are the voice of Jesus and the voice of Muhammad. Each one, Jesus and Muhammad, started narrowly. Jesus started this way, “go ye not in the way of the Gentiles but go ye to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
A narrow focus: Go to the lost sheep, teach them; get them right first because I’m going to use them. … Before he leaves he says, “go ye into all the world and preach this gospel to every Nation, Kindred and Tongue.” Jesus was to be a universal man not some local fellow.
The real Jesus is so heavy, in truth, that when he does his work, he seals up the book. No need for another prophet ever because when prophets come it means something is wrong. When Jesus finishes evil is ended. Satan’s world is collapsing when Jesus comes.