On February 27, 2022, at the National Center for the Nation Of Islam (Mosque Maryam), The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered the much anticipated keynote address, ‘The Swan Song’.
The full replay is available at Qvidio.com.

On February 27, 2022, at the National Center for the Nation Of Islam (Mosque Maryam), The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered the much anticipated keynote address, ‘The Swan Song’.
The full replay is available at Qvidio.com.
America is being torn to pieces politically as Pharaoh’s political party was in the days when Jehovah went after the freedom of Israel. —the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad
When you unravel something, you undo twisted, knitted, or woven threads; you investigate and solve or explain something complicated or puzzling. The condition of America is puzzling. The world is looking at a country going to hell. —the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Less than 30 days from the Nov. 3 presidential election, tumult and upheaval continues in the United States. Approximately 48 hours after a combative and chaotic debate between Republican incumbent President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger and former vice-president Joe Biden, news broke that the commander-in-chief and his wife Melania Trump both tested positive for Covid-19.
The news disrupted global financial markets and is the latest “giant disruption” in a country reeling from a global pandemic which has shut down its economy. The U.S. is also simultaneously battling massive forest fires and other weather-related disasters, dealing with police violence igniting nationwide protests, and ongoing racial division under the watch of an unpredictable and polarizing president.
The president’s Covid-19 diagnosis came in the aftermath of the country spiraling from a contentious debate between he and Mr. Biden. “Dumpster fire,” “embarrassing,” “frightening,” “offensive” and “crazy” were just a few of the descriptions the combative 90-minute showdown held Sept. 29 in Cleveland, Ohio, invoked.
“What we saw last night was a horror show, the most disgusting underbelly of U.S. politics,” Rina Sha, political commentator and founder of Republican Women for Biden, stated during her post-debate analysis on CTV. While most of the backlash was hurled at Mr. Trump for constantly interrupting moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News and hurling personal insults at Mr. Biden and his family, the former vice-president was often on the defensive and did not emerge with a clear decisive victory either. According to an Ipsos post-debate poll, “Biden may have gained a little support, but many still think Trump has a good chance of winning.” Over 73 million people watched the debate but the real losers afterward, argued many analysts, were the American people.
Read the full article: https://new.finalcall.com/2020/10/06/confusion-and-chaos-the-fall-of-america-amid-divine-guidance/
Policy, Strategy & Spirit: A stimulus chat with Hip-Hoppreneur CEO Cedric Muhammad as he covers the Economic Stimulus Package through the lens of Policy, Strategy, Mentality and Spirit to assist small business owners.
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(NOI.org/webcast) On Sunday, March 29, 2020, Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad delivered Part II of the message titled “Guidance in A Time of Trouble” live via webcast from Mosque Maryam, The Nation of Islam’s Headquarters in Chicago, IL. Brother Ishmael serves as the national assistant to The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, the National Representative of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
For those who missed it, here’s Part I: https://youtu.be/V8-AfHhyT60 Learn more about The Nation of Islam @ https://www.noi.org/
(NOI.org/webcast) On Sunday, March 22, 2020, Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad delivered a message titled “Guidance in A Time of Trouble” live via webcast from Mosque Maryam, The Nation of Islam’s Headquarters in Chicago, IL. Brother Ishmael serves as the national assistant to The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, the National Representative of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
During his timely message, Brother Ishmael offered to viewers divine guidance and warnings from The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to aid everyone in getting through these troubled times. “America was given a divine warner in The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. His warning came directly from God Himself. His warning has been extended through The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan,” he said.
“The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is America’s saving grace. If we would listen to him, I believe we may be like the city of Nineveh.”
Brother Ishmael addressed the spreading of coronavirus (COVID-19), the temporary suspension of all Nation of Islam mosque/study group meetings and how everyone should handle this time period. “This is a time of reflection. Don’t serve time, let time serve you! Sometimes you have to be arrested by circumstances so you can reflect!”
Learn more about The Nation of Islam @ https://www.noi.org/
#NationOIslam #Coronavirus #COVID19
The following message, titled “‘Farming is the Engine of Our National Life”, was delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Part 36 of his 52-week Lecture Series “The Time and What Must Be Done.” This message originally aired on Saturday, September 14, 2013.
“If the government is allowing these things to happen to the American people, can the government then be charged with being “the enemy”—and not the servant—of the American people? If you’re doing this to us, why should we fight when you tell us? How can we trust you if you’re killing us through the food, and its policy? How can we trust what you say—to put our young people in harm’s way? Why should we pay taxes to a government that is using our tax dollars to implement policies that are killing the American people?” asked Minister Farrakhan.
Watch the full historic series @ https://www.noi.org/thetime/
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s delivered a press conference in Iran’s capital city Tehran at PressTV’s headquarters, November 8, 2018. He spoke on his purpose for vising Iran and addressed the fake news reports about chanting “death to America”.
The Muslim guide of the U.S. based Nation of Islam also warned President Trump against triggering a war with Iran as well as his administration’s breaking of the multi-national agreement under President Obama’s administration.
(via FinalCall.com) The ugly and deadly side of American life surfaced once again with the killing of a woman and an assault on a Jewish house of worship in California. Once again, a young White man, a self-proclaimed race warrior allegedly grabbed a military style weapon and decided to extinguish an enemy.
This is another sign of the fraying of society and deep, deep seated, old animosities and White resentment. Those sick of accommodation and bellyful with the feeling that this country is no longer theirs. Their psyches, their spirits, their identities and their futures are threatened, and they are not going down without a fight. They see U.S. society and the American government as the enemy.
That’s your problem: White nationalism, White hatred and White rage—and White denial.
The problem is not Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, his movement nor his followers.
As the Associated Press reported, a gunman “killed a woman inside a Southern California synagogue,” on the last day of Passover, barging into the Chabad of Poway.
A child and her uncle were also injured, authorities said. The rabbi who “was preparing for a service on the last day of Passover, a holiday celebrating freedom, and heard a loud sound. He turned around, and saw a young man wearing sunglasses standing in front of him with a rifle,” said AP. The rabbi lost a finger in the shooting.
“The attack Saturday (April 27) came exactly six months after a mass shooting in a Pittsburgh synagogue. John T. Earnest, 19, surrendered to police after bursting into the synagogue and opening fire as about 100 people were worshipping inside. Earnest, who had no previous contact with law enforcement, may face a hate crime charge in addition to homicide charges when he’s arraigned,” said AP.
“He was being held without bail, and it was unclear if he had an attorney. Police searched Earnest’s house and said he was also being investigated in connection with an arson attack on a mosque in nearby Escondido, California, on March 24. Shortly after fleeing, Earnest called 911 to report the shooting, San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit said. When an officer reached him on a roadway, ‘the suspect pulled over, jumped out of his car with his hands up and was immediately taken into custody,’ he said.”
Posting online the accused killer “described himself as a nursing school student and praised the suspects accused of carrying out deadly attacks on mosques in New Zealand last month that killed 50 and at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue on Oct. 27, in which 11 people were killed. California State University, San Marcos, confirmed that Earnest was a student who was on the dean’s list and said the school was ‘dismayed and disheartened’ that he was suspected in ‘this despicable act.’ ”
Shades of 19-year-old Dylann Roof and his cold blooded murder of nine Black parishioners in a South Carolina church in 2015. Shades of the murder of two Black people at a Kroger store in the parking lot in a Louisville, Ky., suburb last year by a White male.
Shades of White supremacist Russell Courtier, who rammed his Jeep into the body of 19-year-old Lance Bruce in an ISIS-style attack on a young Black man in Oregon in 2016. The convicted murderer was sentenced to at least 28 years in prison in April.
Shades of yesterday’s race murders: Texas recently executed John William King, 44, who murdered James Byrd Jr., two decades ago in Jasper, Texas, chaining him to a truck and dragging him along a bumpy Lone Star State road. The Black man was decapitated.
Yet at the federal level, inside the White House and at the state level, political leaders and lawmakers refuse to confront this evil.
Part of the problem is a certain level of Angry White Manhood, a certain level of gun-toting White sensibility is ok, a measure of Caucasian carnage is understandable.
So along the scale of White anger are acceptable levels of White nationalism under the guise of loving America, traditional values and culture wars. These things make for potent messages and lures for voters and are deeply ingrained in America’s soul.
Despite these realities and the children of America’s once slaves always open for destruction, some Jewish leaders and organizations want to lay America’s murderous baby on the steps of Min. Farrakhan. This ugliness is your baby, America, and comes out of the seeds of racism, slaughter and blood from which your republic sprang.
His followers and sympathizers have harmed no one in 40 years of rebuilding the Nation of Islam. He has never encouraged the targeting of anyone. Can your president, who called to express support for the survivors of the synagogue attack, say the same? No. Can all of your leaders in Congress and state legislatures say they have renounced White nationalism in all its forms? No. Your president has openly boasted of not losing a vote if he shot someone. He called for assaulting people and promised to pay legal fees. Another longtime congressman, drawing fire, made the mistake of questioning openly what was wrong with acknowledging White nationalism and White culture in this country.
The refusal to deal with the militia movement of the past, the gun rights movement, and target those who are committed to killing and maiming Americans shows where this country’s heart is.
Let alone Blacks and Muslims are most likely to be assaulted and attacked in hate crimes. The same weekend of the attack on the synagogue, a U.S. military vet rammed his vehicle into pedestrian crossing at street Sunnyvale, California. He thought they were Muslims thanked Jesus for the ability to run them down, according to authorities. We, members of the Nation of Islam, are commanded to respect all houses where God’s name is remembered and to never attack anyone, unless we are acting in self-defense.
Murder and mayhem are the way of America, not the way of Farrakhan. And, despite the tragedy and loss of life in California and that killing which we reject, we will not sacrifice Min. Farrakhan on an altar that absolves America of her sins or tries to destroy this innocent man.
Exorcise your own demon America, it is not Louis Farrakhan.
(Richard B. Muhammad is editor in chief of The Final Call newspaper. Follow him on Facebook and @RMfinal on Twitter. He is the author is “DopeBusters: Farrakhan Fanatics Or Saviours? The True Story of the D.C. Crack Cocaine Crisis and Successful Muslim Anti-Drug Patrols.” Visit www.richardmuhmmad.com to order a copy or email: straightwords4@gmail.com.)
Minister Louis Farrakhan
[Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, a U.S.-based religious movement, recently traveled to Iran and spoke to Iranian students and others. Below is a statement he issued regarding that trip and correcting false and inflammatory media reports.]
TEHRAN, Iran – I am not and have never been an enemy to America, nor the people of America. However, I love America enough to speak unpleasant truths that are in the best interests of an erring nation that perhaps she may change her conduct and course. I have an abiding love for the right to free speech, the right to a free press and the right every human being has to hear the truth. It is only truth spoken in season that can bring us what we desire of freedom, justice, equality and, ultimately, peace.
I was invited to Tehran University to speak to students and engage in a dialogue with Iranian students. I was also invited to meet with other members of Iranian society for discussions about their concerns for their nation and concerns about world affairs, in particular the sanctions placed on Iran by President Donald Trump and his advisors.
I never led a chant that called for the death of America or Israel, contrary to misreporting in U.S., British and Jewish publications and the intentional, malicious and false reinterpretation of my words. There is nothing more important than truth today. The truth of anyone and anything is enough to condemn any individual or institution. But to make media mischief by altering my words from their places is a betrayal of the right to free speech, the blessing of a free press and a violation of the people’s right to know. It is wrong and shameful that journalists and news organizations that should seek the truth would traffic in such lies.
I never led a chant calling for death to America. To say otherwise is a blatant falsehood and an attempt to paint me as an enemy in a very dangerous time as tension rises between America and Iran and nations around the earth reject unjust sanctions and heavy-handed U.S. foreign policy. I asked a question about how to pronounce the chant in Farsi during my meeting with Iranian students and an examination of the video shows just that. My point was to engage students in a talk about what gives a nation perpetuity versus that which undermines and destroys a nation. Evil, falsehood and violation of divine law doom nations to destruction, and the holy books of the world’s three greatest monotheistic religions warn us of such. So if Iran is moving as a nation to obey God’s law, to respect and educate women and to pursue righteousness, she is on a right course. And, if America has violated the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the indigenous people and destroyed them, and if she has done the same for the Black and the Poor, America has not only violated Constitutional principles, she has disobeyed divine law and stands to be judged by God for her wrongdoing. And, American democracy, unfortunately, has always leaned toward and protected the interests of the White, the Rich and the Powerful.
So to stand with Iran against unjust sanctions and mass punishment is to stand in the proper place. To warn America that these sanctions—which have been rejected by the European Union, France, Britain, Germany, Russia, China and other countries—are wrong is to stand in the proper place. I am trying to help America face the error of her ways and see the enmity she is sparking across the globe alongside a growing loss of friendship. This is not good for America, nor the world and only marches us steadily to acrimony, conflict and the final war of Armageddon spoken of in the bible. America can no longer act unilaterally in the world and be successful. Success can only come from righting old wrongs and purposing just and progressive policies.
Some 40 years ago, Iranian students threw off the yoke of American domination through the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, a brutal dictator and tool of U.S. foreign policy. While the Iranians have problems to solve, as do every nation and people on earth, they are a proud and independent people. They do not wish to be under the thumb of America again. As I said several times in Tehran, the U.S. sanctions are a mistake. And, while dialogue should be a good thing, the U.S. has a history of lying and breaking her commitments. To survive, America must turn away from yesterday’s policies, go forward in a new spirit and seek a new direction.
America will never be undone by the angry chants of Iranians, or others who suffer under U.S. foreign policy. No foreign enemy will destroy America, but she faces divine judgment from God Himself. She faces an internal rot with her huge fiscal deficits, her fractured political system, her ugly political and public discourse, her frayed social networks, her rejection of spiritual values and a penchant for violence and mass shootings. She is a troubled nation. Her leadership is spiritually blind to the hour at hand and it appears as though they have the hearts of beasts.
Despite U.S. efforts to foment disunity and rebellion inside of Iran, the Iranian people may not be as gullible as America believes. Iranians have the right to resolve their own problems without outside interference, just as the U.S. has claimed its right to conduct elections free of Russian influence. Self-determination is a right of every nation.
The Muslim World needs unity and must find the path to reconciliation despite efforts to pit Muslims against one another. Satan seeks to divide Muslims and wants them to kill each other, while Allah God tells us in the Quran to be united.
It is also shameful that my visit to Iran was used by political hucksters and cynics to try to affect the recent political elections in the United States. The demonization of Louis Farrakhan will not solve serious U.S. problems and will not heal serious political and social divisions. So despite Donald Trump Jr.’s call for Democrats to disavow me and unjust criticism of me from some Democrats who reject me based on lies and political expediency, America needs a clear warner, who will speak the truth without compromise and without fearing the censure of any censurer. I am neither Right, Left nor Center. I stand on the side of Truth and wherever the Truth may be found. No political party or political leader has an exclusive lock on the Truth. They should stand for Truth whatever the Truth brings. Standing on truth is what will bring America perpetuity and if she refuses to change, she is destined for days of suffering and sorrow.
When God raises a Warner in a powerful nation, it is a blessing and a mercy. But rarely do the powerful rulers of such nations see the Warner or the Warning as valuable until it is too late. May Allah bless the powerful ones in America and those who control America to heed this warning. Medicine often has a slightly bitter taste but when taken in the proper dosage medicine can bring about a healing. The United States, a sin-sick nation, needs a healing and Allah God is offering a healing today provided that His guidance is followed and his Warner is heard.
The choice, however, remains with the American people and those who are in leadership. May Allah God bless this people and nation to make the proper choice.