“Bishop Bloomer grossly mischaracterized the good works of Minister Farrakhan and the noble aims of the FOI (Fruit of Islam)”
By Amon Muhammad
A friend of mine sent me a clip of Bishop George Bloomer’s recent appearance on Dr. Rod Parsley’s program dated January 10, 2017 to promote one of his latest publications. I decided to watch the entire presentation, Portals: Closing the Gateways of the Adversary, to try to gain a better understanding.
While there were many points he made to encourage viewers to get his book, he made false statements and purposeful mischaracterizations of our teacher and spiritual guide, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the entire Nation of Islam.
Dr. Parsley said of his book that he felt it was “expertly written” and “directed divinely by the heart of the Holy Spirit”. However, if his book contains the untruthful disparaging remarks he made concerning us on the program, then that part of the book is of himself and not of the Holy Spirit.
Dear Bishop Bloomer, during the segment Sexually Transmitted Deceptions and Spirits, you made the following untrue statement:
The Nation of Islam, under Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam put out a evangelistical mandate and they said they can evangelize and fill their church up with women by going to the Baptist churches and the Pentecostal churches and going after women who are lonely and have no man. So they’re now sending Fruit of Islam (FOI) into our churches and they sit there and these weak women who don’t have a husband, they work with the kids and they snatch them, then we are looking for our ladies and they are sitting up in one of those mosques or one of those temples. Now the Nation of Islam is not to be confused with Islam, it’s a whole different Satanic Cult like movement. There are churches that have more people in their church than they have in the whole Nation of Islam, but yet they are making these great impacts because of these generational curses, these generational spirits…
A mandate is an official order or commission to do something. Produce this “evangelistical mandate” that you claim exists. Minister Louis Farrakhan, who many Muslims AND Christians believe to be directed divinely by the heart of the Holy Spirit, has not given us any such order to evangelize by going into churches looking for women who are lonely and have no man. He would NEVER do this and would firmly admonish anyone in our believing community for advising such. I have traveled to many, many churches across America with Minister Farrakhan as the guest speaker and witnessed women and men join that specific church after his preaching. This is documented. This is recorded. Thousands can attest to this FACT. If you cannot produce this “mandate”…and you cannot…then this statement must be accepted as an outright falsehood.
So they’re now sending Fruit of Islam (FOI) into our churches and they sit there and these weak women who don’t have a husband, they work with the kids and they snatch them, then we are looking for our ladies and they are sitting up in one of those mosques or one of those temples.
Who is doing this sending, Brother? If such a directive existed in Durham, NC or The Nation, we would know it. This is an outright insult to Minister Louis Farrakhan, the Brothers of the Nation, our faithful, committed and beautiful Sisters of the Nation AND the women of the church, who need to be made stronger in faith and in their moral life if strange men of a different faith expression can snatch them up. Truthfully, you are not complementing the men of the church, either, that would allow “outside men” to come and take away their women and children, weak or not.
Of course, we have female members who are former members of churches, maybe yours. Perhaps, they were dissatisfied with what they were being taught, something they witnessed or were not fulfilled and decided to leave. This is the case, universally, in the majority of houses of worship. We did not go to church and pick them off.
We have male members who have accepted Islam and their wives remain faithful servants in their church homes. These are facts. A Muslim man is permitted to remain married to his Christian wife by The Holy Qur’an and is not to disrupt her worship of God following the example of Jesus Christ. She is not to be “forced” to become a Muslim. Her belief is not compulsory. If she accepts Islam as a way of life, she does so by her own testimony of faith. It cannot be done for her. Women, who are leaving the church, more than likely, are doing so for their own personal reasons.
Now the Nation of Islam is not to be confused with Islam it’s a whole different Satanic Cult like movement.
We are Muslims. We are not Satanic. We are not a “cult like movement”. You will be hard pressed to find a more dynamic group of thinkers whose membership ranges from the streets to the suites, different ethnicities, Black, Brown, Red, and Yellow. There are many White supporters, sympathizers and students of Minister Farrakhan who would take umbrage with your Satanic label. This is a fact.
The Holy Qur’an warns ALL Believers in God to seek refuge in Him from the effects Satanic behavior, “of the evil of those who cast (evil suggestions) in firm resolutions”. Holy Qur’an 113:4
We have countless members who excel in every walk of life. Doctors, scholars, entertainers, scientists, educators, politicians, farmers, pilots, athletes, business persons, and more who are all encouraged by Minister Farrakhan to be free & critical thinkers.
It is deceitful to make the listeners of that program believe that The Nation of Islam is separate and not a part of the broader Muslim world. The Minister & we who follow him have been accepted all over the world. The Minister, less than a year ago, visited Iran as an invited guest and leading thinker in the Islamic world. He has addressed millions in that nation during its Islamic Revolution Rally…an honor hardly afforded to a foreigner.
We have countless members who excel in every walk of life. Doctors, scholars, entertainers, scientists, educators, politicians, farmers, pilots, athletes, business persons, and more who are all encouraged by Minister Farrakhan to be free & critical thinkers.
It is deceitful to make the listeners of that program believe that The Nation of Islam is separate and not a part of the broader Muslim world. The Minister & we who follow him have been accepted all over the world. The Minister, less than a year ago, visited Iran as an invited guest and leading thinker in the Islamic world. He has addressed millions in that nation during its Islamic Revolution Rally…an honor hardly afforded to a foreigner.
His travels and acceptance by Muslims and various governments all over the world are too numerous to mention. Take a glimpse, Dear Bishop and others, who may not know how much this man of God is not without honor outside of his own house:
There are churches that have more people in their church than they have in the whole Nation of Islam, but yet they are making these great impacts because of these generational curses, these generational spirits…
I doubt that. There are certainly some huge mega-churches in the United States of America. Yet again, Dear Bishop Bloomer, these are claims that can’t be substantiated. Furthermore, if we are so few in number, just leave us alone. Don’t worry about us. Certainly, we are so outnumbered what could we do?
You would rather give credit to Satan, witches, generational curses and spirits for our great impacts rather than to give credit to Almighty God, who Guides, Backs and Protects the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and we who follow him. It is the Lord of the Worlds, Himself, who is granting us victory over the generational curses put on human beings by other human beings.
This line of reasoning reminds me of the beautiful words of Jesus, in whom ALL Muslims believe:
John said to Him, “Teacher, we saw someone else driving out demons in Your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not accompany us.” But Jesus replied, “Do not stop him. No one who performs a miracle in My name can turn around and speak evil of Me. For whoever is not against us is for us. Mark 9:38-40
If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Matthew 12:26-28
Dear Bishop Bloomer, for two years, according to your words, you were bound by heroin and crack cocaine while a preacher of God’s Word. You said that you would get high 20 minutes before you would go out to preach. You spoke of many, many pastors who have died in hotels and in their church offices from overdosing on drugs. This is hurtful. We don’t make light of any addictions. Hopefully, there will be something in your and Dr. Parsley’s writings that will help those who can afford to send a $107 victory seed to learn about this power to close portals.
However, since God Blessed you to come from under the clutches of drugs through intercessory prayer, not money, consider interceding with us, Muslims, Christians and others whose hearts yearn to make a difference in Durham’s streets where those who are in need of a doctor are at every turn. Durham and the Triangle would rather see you in the streets using your anointing to close the portals of hopelessness, close the portals of immorality and close the portals of self-hatred.
Our worship now must be in the streets, getting after those who Jesus loves. Prove God is with you by engaging the most downtrodden who can’t give 107 cents or anything at all to learn how to close these portals and leave the good works of Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam alone.
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story— those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south. Some wandered in desert wastelands, finding no way to a city where they could settle. They were hungry and thirsty, and their lives ebbed away. Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle.” Psalms 107:1-7
(Amon Muhammad is the Student Minister of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Nation of Islam’s Muhammad Mosque No. 34 in Durham, North Carolina. Social Media: Twitter and Instagram)