by Jesse Muhammad
Thanks to your support, I was able to exceed my goal of raising $324 for the Houston SleepOut in less than a day. Donations for the homeless are still coming in. I have now raised over $650! You all are amazing.Team 1800, led by Noah Rattler, is the top fundraising team so far with $3,182.00 as of November 13 at 6:30pm CST. We want to hit the $3500 mark as a team before 7pm CST tomorrow. This is for a good cause!
Big or small, you can make a contribution today at:
Again, November 14th, we will SleepOut overnight in Sesquicentennial Park in Houston in support of the homeless epidemic from 7:00pm – 7:00am. You can volunteer, donate, or become a sponsor, but it is our hope that you take that extra step, and become a member of our team, The 1800.
Big or small, you can make a contribution today at: