Peace and blessings be upon you and Ramdan Mubarak (Blessed Ramadan)!
I pray this message reaches you and your family in the best of health and spirit!
Thank you so much for being a subscriber of Brother Jesse Blog.
I am very excited to announce and introduce to you: The Teachings 2.0 Podcast! This has been a journey in the making to say the least, but I am so grateful to The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for granting me this blessed endeavor to be a better helper of his and a bearer of witness to the world of the Teachings Of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad with the use of modern technology!
I must extend my gratitude to Jaye Delai of Voice Of A Nation Communications, LLC as the producer of The Teachings 2.0 Podcast, as well as Jahleel Muhammad who designed the magnificent logo! In a future podcast we will share our testimonies on how The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan gave his approval for the utilization of the trumpet!!
This podcast is inspired by The Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad as Taught by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Since 2011, Minister Farrakhan has answered over 5,000 questions from his Twitter and Facebook followers. You will hear answers from Minister Farrakhan to questions from released and unreleased volumes of “The Teachings 2.0” book series, unique commentary and interviews on Religion & Spirituality, Health & Wellness, Marriage and Family, Youth, Education & Leadership, Business Economics, World Affairs and more.⠀
Subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify and more now to get new episodes as they become available!
Thank you and I pray that you enjoy!
–Brother Jesse