Originally published 8.9.09
by Karim “The Dream”, certified fitness trainer and model
Greetings fellow health and fitness enthusiast. I go by the name Karim “The Dream”, and here are a few of my favorite lower body and core movements.
(1) Overhead Barbell Squats:This movement requires a fairly light amount of weight to be effective. A 45lb bar should be enough to get you started. Just simply spread your feet shoulder width apart while holding a barbell above your head and keeping your hips back, chest up and neck aligned with the spine. Now squat down until your thighs are parallel with the ground and repeat for reps. This movement really challenges the core while giving you all the benefits of a squat, great for athletes.
(2)Modified Stiff Legged Deadlift:This exercise is one of my personal favorites for developing power and core strength. This movement requires a barbell with fairly heavy weights or dumbbells. Just simply stand in front of a loaded barbell with feet shoulder width apart. With your legs straight, knees never locked, hips back ,chest up, and neck aligned with the spine. Pick the barbell up from the ground and at the top of the movement tip toe and shrug your shoulders simultaneously. Lower and repeat for reps.
(3) The Dream Twist:This is an all time favorite for developing core strength and power. Perfect for any athlete, playing any sport. This exercise requires a 45lb plate and a barbell. Simply place the plate flat on the surface and place the end of the bar into the center of the plate. Stand about 6ft away for the plate and use the bar and plate as a swivel. With arms straight out in front lower the bar from side to side while bending both knees and pivoting your back foot. To add intensity to the movement place a weight on top of the bar. Repeat for reps and your core should be super strong in no time.
(For more information contact The Works Personal Training and Massage Network and speak with Karim “the Dream” at 713-858-7332 or abdulkarim_g6@yahoo.com. Also visit: www.theworksptm.com. Use Brother Jesse Blog code 1930 for special rates.)