On April 13, 2021, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a timely message to the Muslim world as well as non-Muslims during the Ramadan Prayerline.
Click the image below to listen to the full message! Listen, study and share!

On April 13, 2021, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a timely message to the Muslim world as well as non-Muslims during the Ramadan Prayerline.
Click the image below to listen to the full message! Listen, study and share!
by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
[Editor’s note: The following article contains edited excerpts from a message delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on “The Final Call Prayer Line” during the Holy Month of Ramadan 2010.]
In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.
I bear witness to The Oneness of God. I bear witness that He, and He alone, is worthy to be worshipped and praised. I bear witness that He, and He alone, is The Creator of all things, The Sender of all prophets, and The Ultimate Revealer of all truth. I bear witness that He, and He alone, holds the treasure of all that He has created. And I bear witness that He has sent into the world, and raised among every nation a messenger, prophet or warner, to guide the people to His straight path.
We thank Him for His intervention in the affairs of Black people in America in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, The Great Mahdi, Who has come among us. And by “Mahdi,” we mean “Guide,” “The Self-Guided One Who Guides.” We thank Him for coming and for raising up among us His Messenger whom the world will come to know soon as Massi, or, The Messiah: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
I greet all of you, my dear brothers and sisters, with the greeting words of peace, we say it in the Arabic language: As-Salaam Alaikum.
During this month of Ramadan, each day we are to read one-thirtieth (1/30) of the Qur’an so that by the end of Ramadan, we shall have completed the reading of the whole of the Holy Qur’an. This is a very special month of prayer and fasting and sacrifice that is prescribed by Allah to give us the discipline necessary by forsaking the things that are natural: food, water, and, sexual relations with our spouses during the daylight hours. Surely, if we can master hunger, and thirst, and the drive for sexual co-habitation throughout the hot days of summer, then it will be easier for us to leave off lying and stealing, gambling, the use of drugs, or anything that is unnatural that takes us away from the pure service and worship of Allah. So this Ramadan will be the Ramadan to break bad habits, and start to making new, good ones. Breaking the grip on those things that we thought had a hold on us that we couldn’t stop.
I am grateful to each and every member of the F.O.I. for their work in helping me to spread the Message of the Teaching of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that is designed by Allah to lift the most downtrodden of the members of the Human Family: The Black man and woman of America first, because we have been put in the worst condition of any people that ever lived, so much so, that the prophet of God described us as “dead.” And as difficult as it would be for us to visit the cemetery and blast a trumpet, and cause the dead in those graves to rise up out of those graves is the difficulty of The Mission that Allah placed on the shoulders of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
The Resurrection, first, of our people, and the Resurrection, after that, of all of the members of the Human Family who have been blinded by the touch of Satan, and the falsehood that he has introduced into the world; the rebellion that he has introduced into the world, making evil fairseeming to man. We thank Allah for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and this Invincible Truth that He has given to us that begins the process of raising us up from a dead level, and standing us upright before God and Man.
We are reminded in the Holy Qur’an of the faith of Abraham; and the Qur’an says that “Who forsakes the religion of Abraham but he who makes a fool of himself? And certainly we made him pure in this world, and in the Hereafter he is surely among the righteous. And when his Lord said to him, ‘Submit,’ Abraham said, ‘I submit myself to the Lord of the Worlds.’” And the same did Abraham enjoin on his sons, and so did Jacob, saying: ‘O my son, surely Allah has chosen for you this religion, so die not unless you are submitting ones.’” [READ MORE]
In a press conference during his historic 2016 trip to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan addressed the rise of Islamophobia and the need for the Muslim World to unite. Watch the full video: https://youtu.be/bthxnVBxDjA
“The month of Ramadan is that in which the Quran was revealed, a guidance to men and clear proofs of the guidance and the Criterion. So whoever of you is present in the month, he shall fast therein…” HQ 2:185
“The fast of Ramadan and the discipline of prayer at prescribed times during the day is the greatest aid in developing personal discipline and regulating our affairs and habits.” – The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
The root meaning of the word Ramadan, is Ramid, which means to be burning with excessive heat, or to be scorched by the Sun.
“Ramadan means to sharpen (a blade) between two stones, and to roast, or burn. A person fasting, by a comparison, sharpens their nature between the two stones of hunger and thirst burning away bad habits, negative character, and improper actions.” – Imam Sultan Rahman Muhammad
What are the locations of these two stones, hunger and thirst?
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan stated in his Self-Improvement Study Guide 18, Rising above Emotions into the Thinking of God.
“Hunger and thirst centers in the hypothalamus track glucose levels in the blood. When supplies of glucose (energy food) are too low, the brain, not the stomach, generates hunger pangs. The sensation of thirst doesn’t originate in the throat, but here in the brain, when receptors indicate the salt level in the blood is too high.”
He continues, “From the hypothalamus arise intense feelings, or emotions. Pleasure and pain, sexual arousal, aggression, rage, as well as hunger and thirst, all emanate from this point.”
The hypothalamus is located in what is called the limbic system; which makes up 20% of the region of the brain, where all emotion lie. The limbic system works with both the cerebrum above and the brainstem below. Its connections with the brainstem help maintain a state of emotional balance and alertness. Therefore, its connections with the cerebrum will allow a person to temper emotion with reason.
A. The goal is for the two processes to work in harmony, but the balance can be easily upset. Have you ever been truly hungry and/or thirsty?
B. The limbic system can become so highly activated that it overwhelms rational thought, making a person speechless with anger or joy.
C. On the other hand, through conscious effort, a person can resist the natural urge to eat or drink, can fight back tears, or suppress sexual desire.
So, Ramadan services as a time of conscious effort for the Muslim Ummah to gain control of the natural urges of self. With being said, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan expressed to the Muslim Ummah, “This fast of Ramadan is one of the greatest means of inculcating self-discipline.”
Therefore, we read 1/30th of the Qur’an and make our prayers throughout the day and night. By the way, each position and every word of our prayers are having an effect on that portion of our brain.
Allah says in the Qur’an directly to the Believer, “…fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard against evil.” 2:183
The word for guard against evil is Taqwa, to be God-conscious.
Now, we are getting a clearer picture of what Allah’s purpose is for the Believer during the month of Ramadan by abstaining from eating, drinking, and intimacy with your spouse from the Adhan of Fajr to the Adhan of Maghreb.
It is this discipline during Ramadan that allows the Muslims to be appreciative and thankful of his or her own self and the self of their significant other.
Allah says in the Qur’an, “It is made lawful for you to go in to your wives on the night of the fast. They are an apparel for you and you are an apparel for them. Allah knows that you acted unjustly to yourselves…” 2:187
How have we been unjust to ourselves?
In this world, inordinate sex containing violence is the order of the day, all day, through radio, TV, internet, social media. Has this wicked world caused us to be unjust to ourselves by shaping and conditioning our natural urges to be outright excessive in our sex drive? Therefore, the Muslim will not feed the hunger of his or her sex drive with their spouse during the daylight hours.
The Minister continues in Study Guide 18:
A. Above the hypothalamus is the amygdala, a mass of nerve cells that is specifically related to feelings of outrage and aggression. The septum, linked to the hypothalamus at the front of the limbic ring, contains a pleasure center.
B. The hypothalamus has connections to the pituitary gland so it has an effect on growth and sexual behavior. It actually orders the pituitary to organize the endocrine glands’ release of hormones into the blood.
What you just read of the inordinacy of this world and the function of the hypothalamus has a direct effect on the everyday practice of the following verse in the Holy Qur’an?
Your wives1 are a tilth2 for you, so go in3 to your tilth when you will4, and send (good) beforehand5 for yourselves. And keep your duty to Allah6, and know that you will meet Him. And give good news to the believers.” HQ 2:223
1. Wives
Comes from nis-wa-tun meaning Women.
2. Haratha
To till & sow, cultivate, study a thing thoroughly, Land prepared for sowing, Produce of field, Garden, Wife, Gain
3. Ata
Come, bring to, meet, join, and does not just apply to sex. The Arabic word literally means to come towards.
4. She-tum
To will (the faculty by which a person decides on and initiates actions), wish, desire.
Faculty- an inherent mental or physical power.
5. Beforehand
you can influence and change what your wife thinks of you.
Enhancing friendship and romance. Creating the mental environment you desire (happiness, and increase enjoyment).
6. Waqaa God-conscious, to guard against evil.
During Ramadan and beyond our attitude towards the practice of surah 2:223 of the Qur’an should be the tweet of the Minister Louis Farrakhan: “I could not be who I am if God didn’t give me a woman to help me be what I am.”
Now, as brothers, are we coming to our wives in harmony with the beautiful language of the above verse? Having the thought in mind to meet Him (Allah)? Or, are we coming to them (our wives) with a damaged hypothalamus? Thus walking in the words of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, “Men of this world do not desire a righteous woman.”
Therefore, Brothers and Sisters our mental empowerment is rooted in these words of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to us, “True empowerment comes from when we start to look deeply at our beliefs.”
So, what truly is Allah’s purpose of Ramadan for the Muslims?
The Minister tweeted, “Muslims: This fast, if properly followed by you, will lead to your and my ability to put all of our appetites under control.”
We close with the words of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan from the Ramadan Prayer line, May 26, 2017, “Not to drink water, which is the source of life itself, for the hours of the day which will be long in the month of May and June; not to eat food, not to engage in the natural pleasure of each other who are married? This is hard. But to attempt it, to build your will to do it; to say right now, “I am going to do everything in my power to do this fast, no matter how difficult it may be”—set your mind, right now, that: ‘This fast is for Allah, but it is His gift to me, personally, that I may develop the will to guard against evil.’”
May Allah bless us with a beautiful month of Ramadan to continue our growth into the truth.
Your Brother in Islam,
Eric R. Muhammad
Student Assistant Minister of Muhammad Mosque #45 in the City of Houston. He is a published author; and can be reached via Twitter @qudus or email nafsallah@gmail.com
While truth trafficking in the Southeast community with Brother Linton Muhammad, knocked on this brother’s door and his name is Jesse as well. He shared with us how he admires what the Nation of Islam is doing for Black people and said, “No offense to y’all but I’m Baptist.” I said, “Really? We are too…we’ve been baptized in The Word which has inspired us to be in the highways and byways like Jesus.”
He smiled, got a copy of The Final Call Newspaper and said he’d like to get a picture with us. All love. No division.
Of the many great honors I’ve been blessed to experience in the Nation Of Islam, one in particular stands out tremendously to me. A couple years ago, I had the great privilege of hearing the testimonies of extraordinary women in the Nation of Islam (whom I greatly admire), which revolved around the life and unique sacrifices of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Sisters Fatimah Farrakhan (Registered Nurse and daughter of Min. Farrakhan), A’ishah Muhammad (Student National M.G.T. Captain Emeritus and Student National Auditing Coordinator), Mary Alice Muhammad (Lead Chef for Min. Farrakhan) and Ava Muhammad (Attorney and Student National Spokesperson for Min. Farrakhan) were asked to approach the “witness stand”.
L to R: A’ishah Muhammad, Ava Muhammad, Mother Khadijah Farrakhan, Fatimah Farrakhan and Mary Alice Muhammad
To be extraordinary is to exceed the common degree, to be remarkable and wonderful (Webster’s Dictionary). This does not mean that they are superior in importance, but that they have walked with the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan to the degree of witnessing his intense love, humility, suffering, sacrifice and dedication and can bear witness to the profound affect his life has had on theirs.
This special gathering was conceived by and organized by three Black men who are members of the Nation Of Islam and the F.O.I. (Fruit Of Islam); Brothers Jesse Muhammad (social media strategist for Min. Farrakhan), Rashad Muhammad (a former member of Min. Farrakhan’s security team) and Willie Muhammad (Student Minister and event moderator).
Brothers Jesse, Rashad and Willie Muhammad
The event opened with prayer and words from Brother Willie Muhammad explaining the purpose for as well as the uniqueness of these testimonies. “This is more than a panel discussion, because of who is the subject revolving around these testimonies”, he stated. The who he is referring to is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan!
Brother Rashad Muhammad followed by recognizing the presence of Mother Khadijah Farrakhan, wife of the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan. “When we talk about the Extraordinary Women we cannot go without talking about the Extraordinary one, Mother Khadijah Farrakhan”, he said. “What he (Farrakhan) is offering us is God’s love. Our testament is whether or not we can love one another”, he continued. He closed with the following words, “When we truly understand what God has given us in the Hon. Louis Farrakhan we would understand the Reality of God. I bring these women up before you so that you may examine their hearts; we judge not but learn to be patient.”
It was at that moment that Brother Willie Muhammad, the event moderator, introduced each panelist and proceeded to go right into the set of questions that were emailed by the general public as well as members of the Nation Of Islam.
One question that was posed was regarding why many people cry in the presence of the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan. Here are the responses of the panelists:
“When you see a man who walks the walk and talks the talk, it raises the bar so high…God raises him up. You’re just in awe of what you’re witnessing”. – Fatimah Farrakhan.
“When I’m in his presence I am reduced to a child. It touches your heart, because of his love and mercy.” – A’ishah Muhammad
“The Minister has a healing power…I’ve witnessed it. When I first met Min. Farrakhan I was on chemotherapy. He spoke of healing and Allah (God) giving us the power to self heal. I know that in my heart and soul this (Farrakhan) is the beloved of God and His Christ.” – Ava Muhammad
“I know that there is a certain magnetic field around him. When people cry, that’s what they feel. Although he is a man like anyone else, there is something special about him. For those who cry, they are feeling the Presence of Allah.” – Mary Alice Muhammad
A particular question was posed to Sis. Fatimah Farrakhan regarding how seeing her father medically has tested her faith. Here is her response:
“You see a man in the grips of death like that and his words are ‘Whatever Your Will is Allah!’ He is so unselfish. He is in constant prayer and reflection with God! It makes me think Wow..I get choked up..he’s something else.”
There was a question posed to Sis. Ava Muhammad to share her experience watching Minister Farrakhan stand up for Truth. Here is her response:
“He possesses every characteristic of the Sun. He is in ultimate teaching mode. I have NEVER seen him in any other way; gracious, elegant. I have never known a more proficient lawyer than Minister Farrakhan. The difference between him and others is his heart. When he is listening to others, he is truly processing what they are saying. There is no way that this man is not guided by God! The enemy cannot calculate how to defeat him!”
A question was submitted for Sis. A’ishah Muhammad relating to the use of Dianetics. Here is her response to the critics and for those who misunderstand:
“We hear ‘Dianetics’ and think that it’s different from the Teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, but it’s not. He has not deviated, he has excelled! He is adhering 1000%!”
The following question was submitted to Sis. Mary Alice regarding how Min. Farrakhan handles his dinner guests. Here is her response:
“I’ve seen people come to his table who have vilified him, but when they come to his table they’re treated like royalty. You have a genuine brother in this man (Min. Farrakhan). Ask Allah for patience and you will see why he does what he does. I ask myself all of the time, ‘Who does this?’ All I can say is what a friend we have in Jesus!”
A very interesting question was posed to the entire panel regarding why the Nation Of Islam compares Minister Farrakhan to Jesus Christ. Here are their responses:
“I don’t compare him to the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He IS my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!” – Ava Muhammad
“We’re at a crossroad, we have to make a decision: What Side Do You Want to Be On? Please let this be the beginning of a new dawn and love one another as he loves us.” – Mary Alice Muhammad
“There are many that he (Min. Louis Farrakhan) has taken care of that we don’t know about! He gives life to the dead!” — A’ishah Muhammad
“When you think of God you think of love and His mercy. Minister Farrakhan has been the extreme example of love and mercy. I don’t get into titles…let’s just be found doing the work. Minister Farrakhan is an extraordinary man”. – Fatimah Farrakhan
The entire event was electrifying, inspiring and a profound voice of clarity for those who were either confused about the character of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan or just confirmation for what they themselves have experienced to a lesser degree.
There were moments of thunderous applauses, tears, laughter and firmness as it relates to the reality of Minister Farrakhan given through these testimonies. For those who were unfamiliar with Minister Farrakhan, they were given a very clear understanding that was unmistakable. For anyone unfamiliar or confused about his Teacher, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, they were given insight to him as well. For those who had never heard of the name Master Fard Muhammad, these extraordinary women gave testimony to Him! For, without these Extraordinary Men, the testimonies of these Extraordinary women and many others could not exist.
Closing remarks were given by Sister Donna Farrakhan, Student Minister and daughter of the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan. She shared her appreciation and how inspired she was by this event. She recognized each family member of the panelists as well as the sacrifice of her own mother, Mother Khadijah Farrakhan. Sis. Donna closed with the following words, “If you submit your will to do the Will of Allah, He will begin to unwrap your gift. This is a beautiful beginning of something! Be sure to tell everyone who wasn’t able to make this event NOT to miss the next one!”
Brother Ishmael Muhammad, Student National Assistant to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, also gave closing words. “Today it’s so important that we can give a testimony of not only what Islam has done but of what the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan has done”, he said. “Every one of you, and the women on this panel, Allah Himself, prepared helpers for His servant to do His (God’s) work”, he continued. He closed with these words, ” You are predestined with Christ. You have to know that the one raised among us is an example of the life God has for us! There is something in this day…It was the women around the Prophet, Muhammad and Jesus. The Women were there to console and prepare him (Jesus) to ascend to the Father and who were there upon his return. It was the women around Prophet Muhammad; their testimonies are most cherished. Every word you shared today was food for my soul and you nurtured and strengthened my faith. Let us step up–not in words–but in DEEDS…He (Minister Farrakhan) has literally laid down his life for us all”.
Brother Jesse Muhammad was asked to give a brief report of the response from social media. “I’ve been getting texts and tweets from people crying and wishing they were in these seats. The demand right now are for the DVDs to be immediately available”, he said.
I thank Allah, Who Appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, for the blessing and honor to be present to witness these beautiful women offer their life experiences and interaction with the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, who is so misunderstood, to offer an illuminating light of understanding.
I would like to thank each of these women for being courageous enough to open up to the questions and share candidly. I would like to thank the organizers for their vision, love and diligence in making this event a reality for all to witness. I would like to thank the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for approving the event and inviting all to approach the witness stand! Allah U Akbar (God Is The Greatest)!
This event is a moment in my life that I will never forget!
Peace & Blessings,
Sister Ebony S. Muhammad, Publisher of Hurt2Healing Magazine
The Testimony of Extraordinary Women DVD will be made available in the near future. Please stay tuned for updates.
[Publisher’s note: Some of the quotes and photos were provided by Brother Jesse Muhammad]
Every time Ramadan comes around a few Believers and I discuss ways to “bottle up” this spirit we feel over these 30 days and carry it over into the other 11 months on the calendar.
To someone who is observing Ramadan for the first time, it’s easy to get caught up on not eating and drinking. Your stomach seems to be growling every second and your mouth is as dry as the Arabian Desert.
Believe me, I know the feeling.
My first Ramadan was in ’97 when I was a freshman at Prairie View A&M University. I was so focused on not being able to eat or drink that I would sleep in between classes to pass the time and got behind on my Qur’anic readings on the second day because Surah 2 seemed so long. I told myself I would catch up. I did not.
I even started nibbling on peppermints because I figured that wasn’t actually food. As you can see, I was all messed up. I was thankful to my older brother, who is a Muslim also, for smelling crunching peppermints on my breath when I came home one weekend from school. He asked, “You fasting?” I said, “Of course.” He said, “No you’re not, eating peppermints.” He laughed when I told him it’s not real food and then he told me it’s activating the digestive system. He went on to guide me and encourage me to finish Ramadan stronger than when I started.
By the Grace of Allah (God) I did.
Since then I have come to realize that Ramadan is sooooo much bigger than the absence of food and drink throughout the day. It’s about deep reflection and channeling that same sense of joy, unity, love, high spirituality, compassion and self-discipline towards the rest of the year.
During Ramadan we put a halt to many things such as cursing, arguing, lying, gossiping, complaining and even step back a bit from personal addictions such as TV, the Internet, sugar or video games. Even the grumpiest of us become all of a sudden pleasant. Many clear the dust off of their Qur’an, that was placed at the highest point in their homes, to start reading it. We take the time to pray more than ever. The list goes on.
What’s halting us from doing this every day? Is it possible to experience the spirit of Ramadan every month?
Not that we have to abstain from food, drink and sexual relations throughout the day every single month but the discipline of putting things in check can be practiced daily.
When I converted to Islam, I was taught that it is not a religion but it is actually a way of life. Therefore, like all religions, we have rituals but those rituals are seeded with meanings that guide us towards a higher reflection of that which we say we believe in.
Thus the same laser focus we put into these 30 days can be done year round. I love taking this time to reflect on how I need to be more dutiful to Allah (God) and His Cause. I love reading the beautiful words of the Qur’an and hearing the recitation. I love breaking fast with family, fellow Believers and friends. I smile brightly every time I get a text message from my Christian friends and family who had just completed one of the days of fasting with us in solidarity. We’re all in a spirit of love!
I reflect on how much better I can serve my family and community. My fervent prayer is that I can “bottle up” this Ramadan spirit and develop into a better Muslim.
If I can’t be this same ‘Brother Jesse’ beyond this holy month and become a stronger Muslim because of it, then what is my motive?
Self-improvement is the key, so as the late musical legend Michael Jackson said, I’m looking at the man in mirror. I am in love with the possibilities of being a better me.
I know you are too.
PS: I haven’t had a peppermint fast since ’97. (smile)
(You’re welcome to follow Brother Jesse Muhammad further on Twitter, become a friend on Facebook)
After reading your article on Abernathy Magazine’s website I felt compelled to write this piece to inform and debunk the improper view of how the Minister’s words were expressed in your writing. While your point of view is appreciated, it just shows that we women in the Nation of Islam (MGT) have more work to do to shed light and truth on ideas such as yours that pervade the mindsets of some of our people. I thank Allah (God) for using you in this way to open up more dialogue on this topic.
A little background about myself, I am a member of the Nation of Islam in the women’s class, the MGT and GCC (Muslim Girls Training and General Civilization). As a young woman who did not escape the occurrences of childhood molestation, I grew up suffering from a serious complex of understanding my self-worth. It was not until I joined the Nation of Islam and came into the understanding of my value AND that we as women are the second self of God that I was able to rise above the mentality I carried that was weighing me down.
In addressing the beginning of your article it must be understood that it is not the responsibility of Min Farrakhan’s views to reflect the masses of Black people; it is Min Farrakhan’s responsibility to reflect the Views of God. So, if the masses’ view has shifted away from God, then what should the masses expect but the sick society that we are witnessing today.
By Shareefah Muhammad
You said that Min. Farrakhan, “suggest that the way to stop sexual predators is not by telling men not to rape, but to tell young women to cover up because a man is supposed to be sexually attracted to you.” Your ‘spin’ or ‘interpretation’ of his words are not a reflection of what is a part of the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad as taught under the leadership of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Yes, we are taught who we are, our true value in the sight of God and to understand our nature as well as that of man. It is because of this understanding that we as women who are being civilized in the Lifestyle of God choose to live the life of modest women.
You are right that the way a woman dresses is not an invitation to be raped (Min Farrakhan also agreed on The Breakfast Club Interview), yet you neglect to acknowledge that the type of world that we live in is filled with sick minded individuals. The Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan teaches us that everything of value is covered and protected. To be God’s most valuable treasure, we too should be covered, in a modest and beautiful way. When we as women cover, it affects the psyche of the environment we are in; this is why it is called our protection.
Our disrespect for the nature of the male and female is one reason we are in the condition we are in today. Regardless to whether or not one believes in God, there are certain laws (such as gravity) that we all must follow in order to continue living. God has designed us (male and female) to be attracted to one another which aids in the continuance of our species. So yes, our form or adornments should be covered so as not to attract unwanted or inappropriate responses at the wrong time. A woman who comes into the knowledge of herself understands that she has a right to choose to dress as she pleases but BECA– — USE she is now embarking on a path of civility and has the correct view of herself, she chooses the modest approach.
In no way does Minister Farrakhan excuse such behavior (rape and abuse) of men towards women for he teaches us that men who commit such acts are worthy of death (he said that on the interview as well) yet it is because of the pathetic condition we are in due to PTSD (Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome) that we are granted the Grace of Allah (God). Men should be taught more than just that a woman’s body belongs to her; they too should also be given and taught the knowledge of themselves that they may better respect themselves and the women in their community. If they understand this, then ‘controlling themselves’ would become second nature. But then they too because of their heightened level of respect and civility would cause them to ask sisters to cover as well! (smile)
Minister Farrakhan’s comments don’t promote violence. If anything based off of what he teaches us as women it promotes self-defense. For example, in the interview Charlamagne made the comment that if a rapist wants to rape a woman, he would rape her regardless of what she is wearing. So if the first line of defense of modest dress doesn’t work then this is where our training as soldiers is activated and we defend ourselves and our virtue even if it means taking our assailant’s life because the virtue of any woman is invaluable. Remember, civilizations have been raised and destroyed through our women, that is why we are considered the ‘booty’, a treasure or prize.
Your closing statement that the Nation of Islam is undermining our teaching that says , “A Nation Can Rise No Higher Than its Woman”, is very well misplaced. If you have not had a chance I implore you to purchase and view a lecture Min. Farrakhan did last year titled Save Our Girls, where the program demonstrated that a woman’s gifts and talents can reach unlimited heights. Many different professions of women were displayed and they were all in beautiful, modest attire. So the question really is, what is your definition of ‘beauty’ and ‘independence’? If it is something that doesn’t involve God in the equation then it is something I can respectfully say we don’t want.
Thank you for taking the time to read these few words. I pray they helped to shed some depth as to why a man such as Minister Farrakhan loves us so much.
The Breakfast Club Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=–xe7G4VnZE
Save Our Girls Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCufCVRjTXk
Save Our Girls DVD: http://store.finalcall.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=HLF150418DVD
Originally published 3.3.15
By Ashahed M. Muhammad
(FinalCall.com) – As news articles and media reports are replete with stories of people across the globe targeted and killed because of their religious beliefs and groups like ISIS killing Christians, Min. Farrakhan used a selfless act of a Muslim sister to demonstrate true principles that should be exhibited by Believers in God. The Nation also does not follow the old world of what is called Al-Islam, he added.