by Fudia Muhammad
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s five-part lecture series, How to Give Birth to a God, illuminates the majesty of the relationship between the woman and God. Throughout these lectures, The Minister emphasizes that a woman who has been awakened to her divine spiritual, mental and physical potential can co-operate and co-create with the Supreme Being and produce little gods from her womb, never missing. This special relationship between the woman and God involves a supreme level of mathematics and science, which she accesses when she chooses to submit her entire will to do the Will of Allah (God).
The opposite of submission is defiance, resistance, disobedience, opposition and rebellion. The price of rebellion against God is death. This column intentionally highlights the ideal in terms of parenting, childrearing and giving birth to gods. This is done to offer a yardstick to use when determining how close or far we are to the goal. Some of us may read this series with a little angst, knowing full well that our parents did not do most of what is described and suggested. Herein lies the blessing of rebellion. Rebelling against God, righteousness and truth does NOT produce blessings – it unleashes God’s Curse; His Wrath and His Chastisement. But when we rebel against Satan, against evil and wickedness; and against the devil within, we are rewarded by Allah (God) and receive His favor and limitless blessings. So if the punishment for rebelling against God is DEATH, then the reward for rebelling against Satan is LIFE!
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan wrote a powerful article for The Final Call newspaper titled, Accepting Responsibility for Our Failure. In this article he wrote, “No matter what failure, we as parents have made in the rearing of our children, if, or when our children learn to seek refuge in the ‘God of men,’ they will be freed…When we seek refuge in Allah (God), the God of men, we will cease to blame others for any failures in our life, but, we will take the responsibility that Allah (God) gave us when He gave us life, and, that is, to take charge of our lives and to live our lives in accord with the Will and the Way of Allah (God).”
According to the Holy Qur’an, everything in creation is made to submit to Allah (God) except the rebellious devil. The human being is different from everything else Allah (God) created, in that we have free will – we can choose to submit or we can choose to rebel. Everything else in creation must submit to the nature in which it was created. The sun, the trees, the birds, the elephants, all must submit. Animals have innate instincts; and when activated they cause them to resist or submit; but they do not have the capacity to reason. Humans do. This is actually a blessing because many of us need to consciously rebel against the negative inclinations that were impressed upon us in the womb.
We should each personally reflect on our life and how we were reared. If we are blessed to have our mothers with us, or other close relatives, we should ask about our mother’s pregnancy and what conditions were prevalent during our conception and birth. This should never be done in an accusatory or judgmental way; the intention is to understand ourselves. Many of us may discover that the conditions that brought us into existence have scarred us with innate negative inclinations and predispositions. But regardless to what we learn, we do not have to continue on a collision course of destruction. This knowledge is empowering because once we know, with the help of Allah (God), it can all be reversed.
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said“will” and “thought” can reverse this process; it can even change our genetic structure. So the only person who is doomed is the one who does not have the desire to make positive, righteous changes. Rebellion against the negative influences affecting our behavior can turn a potential devil into a god. The Minister has gone in front of us as an example of one who has reversed the trauma done while he was in the womb, while preserving the positive. We know that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s mother fashioned him to love God from the womb, through her sincere supplications and prayers. But we also know that before she submitted to Allah’s (God’s) Will, she attempted to abort her son three times. She was so fearful of the consequences of his birth that she was willing to commit murder. This significantly marked the Minister.
During his lecture, How to Give Birth to a God: Part Five, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan shared his personal struggle. He stated, “I wondered to myself – why it was so easy for me to reject myself. Listen carefully. You can come in my house and go in any of my rooms, you don’t find a picture of me nowhere in my house. Things have been written about me that you could stack up from the time I was a little boy, I don’t have none of them. If my mother didn’t keep the record, I wouldn’t know where it is. I’ve made recordings and don’t know where the masters are. Something about self-rejection. Something about self-negation. Listen to me good, now.
“When I met Malcolm X, I met the first man in my life and because Malcolm touched me – the Honorable Elijah Muhammad converted me – but Malcolm was my teacher. I fell in-love with Malcolm because Malcolm was the strong man that I always wished I could be. And so to deny me, I became him. It’s a part of murder and this is why there’s so much imitation and nobody wants to be whom and what God made you to be. So when I met the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and got closer to him and Malcolm was in disfavor, I wanted to be Elijah Muhammad because there wasn’t nothing to me. So all the time I was murdering myself, but it’s not my fault as such; I was programmed from the womb to do this…
“I want you to hear something so you can understand yourself, man, and start looking into yourself and discover who you are, and how to correct the condition that was in the womb… I’ve taken abuse, man – that only a fool or a man of God would take and never fought you back, though I know what you were thinking about me! It’s the womb, man! Prepared from the womb to die for a people! Prepared from the womb to die!”
He goes on to say of himself, “He never was trained from the womb to think a damn thing of himself and anything you thought of arrogance and self-conceited was only a self-conceited show to hide a deep-seated inferiority feeling that came from self-negation, starting from the womb. But God in His infinite Mercy knows how to use a defective thing and make it something of value. To show you, Brothers and Sisters, that we can overturn the womb with the right kind of heart; the right kind of will to struggle.”
All praise is due to Allah (God) for the freedom and ability to correct the mistakes made while in the womb. We do not have to allow the errors of our parents to keep us in chains for one more second. And just the same, we are obligated to empower our own children by sharing the circumstances surrounding their development so that they can choose to submit to the good and rebel against the bad; allowing the god within to rule.
(Sister Fudia Muhammad is a member of Muhammad Mosque No. 64 in Austin, Texas. She is married to Student Minister Robert L. Muhammad and they have been blessed with four children. Sister Fudia holds a Master’s degree in Education – she is a writer, an educator and an advocate for God-centered child-rearing.)