Brothers and sisters… I must confess…. this genuine moment I was blessed to capture on Tuesday made me teary-eyed when I went back and looked at it. This is one of our elders that we check on every week as we are #TruthTrafficking through the Southeast Houston community.
Over a year ago, she wouldn’t even talk to us and refused The Final Call Newspaper when we first knocked on her door. However, we kept on knocking on her door just to let her know, with sincerity, we just wanted to check up on her. She never smiled.
Over time—like so many others who originally rejected us—a bond developed. Soon we couldn’t stop her from talking! Soon she would fuss at us if she didn’t get her Final Call! Soon she told us how much she loves us! We have witnessed her overcome many health challenges and become more and more vibrant every time we see her. She has said she looks forward to seeing us and when she doesn’t see us, we’re on her mind and she is praying for us.
She has greatly lessened her cigarette intake and told us this is the year she told her doctors she will be completely smoke-free, pork-free, fried food-free and more as a birthday gift to herself! “Y’all better watch out when I lose 20lbs,” she said.
This and more is why you can feel the LOVE in this embrace with our Brother Linton Muhammad. She was actually giving him a loving chastisement for not going to her door first along with me and Brother Chad Muhammad. ?
We adore her. We always gain something from the conversations with her. She gives God the praise for us coming into her life and we give Him all the credit as well. What a blessing to serve our people—young and old— with The Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad as Taught by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. The work in the streets continues! Allah-U-Akbar!! #loveyourself #LifeLightPower#BrotherLintonGotTheBiznessThenAHug