On December 2, my family and I headed up 45 North freeway to Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. You know you’re getting closer when you see a huge white statue of the late Sam Houston. You know you’re even closer when you look to your right and see the Huntsville prison complex aka the death chamber capitol of the world.
But this blog is not about that.
I was invited by Jasmond Hatch, president of the Sam Houston Association of Black Journalists, to be a panelist for a discussion on HIV/AIDS. Panelists also included Shannon Dillon, an anchor for KBTX Media in Bryan, Texas along with media expert Sean Nixon. The discussion was centered around the role of Black media in educating the community about HIV/AIDS in light of December being AIDS Awareness Month.
But we covered alot of topics beyond HIV/AIDS. We touched on crime, education, economics, reporting strategies, how to write impactful news stores and more. These students shared their personal challenges in meeting deadlines in their classes but resonated enthusiasm about their majors. They love the work! Many of them have entrepreneurial aspirations too. I was very impressed with their outlook on issues that specifically impact the Black community.
Jasmond Hatch, who is also a PR consultant, moderated the discussion. This is the next wave of Black journalists so the drive to Huntsville was definitely worth it. The group is planning to host a media conference in the Spring. I will offer my assistance wherever I am needed. Much success to these upcoming media giants at Sam Houston.