Originally published 7.24.09
The Case Against Hepatitis B Vaccination: Prevent Your Newborns & Infants from Being Permanently Injured by Kevin A. Muhammad
Government laws and recommendations coerce us into receiving dozens of vaccinations. Every year, millions of newborns and infants are injected with genetically-engineered pathogens, dangerous metals and industrial chemicals-called vaccines.
The hepatitis B vaccine is administered moments after the child is born, immediately putting the newborn on the path of disease.
There is a direct link between vaccinations and the broad range of diseases now plaguing newborns, infants, toddlers and adolescents. This makes “childhood vaccinations” the citizenry’s most urgent health issue, today.
This book refutes the CDC’s rationale for the “universal vaccination” of newborns and infants with hepatitis B vaccines, while describing the political and economic corruption associated with public health vaccination laws and recommendations.
For more information log on to www.kamuhammad.net
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