Estimated reading time: 8 minute(s)
by Domonique Roy, PVAMU student
The Hill Takes the Vote: Prairie View Students formally known as PSP (Political Science Posse) organized a march in response of the unfair treatment that Waller County placed against PVAMU students. Mayor David Allen wrote two letters in regard of polling booths not being in the MSC (Memorial Student Center). His reasoning was that the students were “disrespectful” in language and dress and made the “seasonal tax paying citizens” uncomfortable to vote in the MSC. He also stated that students always walk to the post office. Which is completely false. Many students don’t have cars to the post office and community center is completely out of the way from students to walk to. Those letters just divided the community and students even more. So, PSP and other students planned a march on February 19th 2020 from the UC (University College) Freshman Dorms to the Waller County Community Center to exercise their right to vote and prove to Waller County that us as student will vote no matter what obstacle they place in front of us. Roughly 100 plus students voted that day at the community center. During a protest on February 17th, 2020 that the same student put on at city hall where we confronted the mayor for his disregard to the student’s well-being of interest and the lack of representation. Through this protest we gain the polling booth in the MSC election day

What by Any Means Necessary? I made this event to educate students on who Malcolm X was and what his philosophy truly was. I asked three thought provoking question that related to each stage of his life. First, was his life as “Red” and how his life effected his adult life. Secondly, the questioned I asked was the impact of the NOI in Malcolm X’s life. After being released from prison and transitioned from “Red” to “Brother Malcolm” my focus was on if he wasn’t introduced to the NOI in prison would he have been just as great today? Lastly, I focused on the legacy of Malcolm. After leaving the NOI and changed from Bro. Malcolm to Malik- Shabazz with the internal issues that happen with the NOI and Malcolm. I asked does the problems of overshadow Malcolm and the contribution the NOI had in his life and the lives of others? This event was held on February 19th, 2020, it was a panel discussion with Dr. Will Guzman, Dr. Marco Robinson, and Former Mayor Frank Jackson as the panelist and Domonique Roy as the mediator. I wanted to give respect to all the contributors in Malcolm’s life…good and bad. Malcolm was a brilliant man without a doubt and he probably would have been great if he wasn’t a Muslim but without the NOI we wouldn’t have the revolutionary and “polished” Malcolm we grew to love today.