Estimated reading time: 11 minute(s)
by Ashahed M. Muhammad
How Jews Gained Control of the Black American Economy
(Source: – The mercantile exploits of the Jewish people are legend. Their extensive commercial influence is undeniable, however, the Nation of Islam, in a seminal and groundbreaking work “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews,†Volume One (1991, Latimer Associates) presented a multi-layered and detailed research study of the methods by which this dominance was established and its connections with the Black community.
Its publication set off ideological tremors resulting in denunciations, and chaotic scrambles into the archives of Jewish historical literature by those hoping to debunk its claims. They were unsuccessful, and quietly, the assertions that Jews were merely “co-sufferers or innocent by-standers†in the trans-Atlantic slave trade have been silenced.
The Nation of Islam’s Historical Research Department has followed up with the highly anticipated Volume 2 in a series of scholarly volumes, this one under the subtitle “How Jews Gained Control of the Black American Economy.â€
In 512-pages with thousands of footnotes, replete with charts, diagrams and even more Jewish scholarly sources, the Nation of Islam’s research has shown that far from an accidental circumstance of history, Jewish business owners using the guidance contained within the Talmud, established an extensive structure of economic control while exercising considerable influence in the development of the architecture of the system of White Supremacy. The devastating effects of which are still felt in the Black community today.
The book begins dealing with an historical reality, which shows that even though the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was never accused of being anti-Semitic, he and the Nation of Islam were feared by Jewish organizations and leaders. Those same organizational leaders in modern times predictably hurl the dastardly appellation of “anti-Semite†at anyone who would dare to act as a Black advocate for justice.
As an example of this unfortunate reality, in the preface, the authors forthrightly deal with the 2008 presidential campaign of then-Senator Barack H. Obama and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright/Louis Farrakhan media created nexus and contrived controversy, which dominated the airwaves.
“It has reached the point today that any Black person rising to national prominence must first declare publicly his or her galactic distance from Black leaders branded with the Jewish scarlet letter—before any other issue can be addressed … In this extraordinary exercise of raw Jewish political intimidation, a fabricated threat of ‘black Anti-Semitism’ was elevated in importance above two wars, a crashing economy, the health care crisis, home foreclosures, education reform, drug violence, rising unemployment, and many other serious concerns, in order to upbraid the Black man of ever thinking about a relationship with those Black leaders unacceptable to the Jewish people.†(p. ix)
In Chapter One titled “Blacks and Jews in the Jim Crow South,†the writers begin to outline the process by which slavery and White Supremacy became ironclad cultural realities. Throughout the book, it is shown that Jews in America consistently used the Talmud, their holy book of rabbinical wisdom, as an ideological tether as they sought to expand their cultural penetration and commercial presence.
Researchers found that liens, sharecropping and the characteristics of the entire agricultural economy established in the South are found in the Talmudic texts—ostensibly acting as a business manual for the Jewish people. The success of its implementation led to explosive monetary growth, allowing them to graft themselves onto a host in order to become financially stronger in a symbiotic yet parasitic relationship to all those with whom they came into contact. Many Jews even obtained prominent political positions, detailed in the chapter “Jewish Political Power in the Apartheid South.†[READ MORE]Â